Who's who
Up one levelGiovanni Sonego

The only teetotaller in Belluno (legend has it that he was banished from Veneto for this very reason). His roamings in search of the teetotallers' paradise (which luckily he still hasn't found - it must be a grim place to end up) have brought him
Elena Guarneri

Born under the looming shadow of the Madonnina, I adopted Liguria as my homeland, and, despite all they say about it being a miserly land, was given sunshine, rocks and contrasts in exchange. With the sea inside I migrated
Dario Morgante

Originally from, and still living in, Rome, but English too, thanks to mum, from East Ham (London). Born on 11/11/1971... making me a Scorpio with the moon in Virgo. A confirmed film buff but am trying to turn my hobby into a (well-paid!!!) profession.
Alessandro Bonvicini

THE REAL PROGRAMMER In the good old days when programming was still a primitive art it was relatively easy to tell the men from the boys: real men
Maria Cleary

i grew up in northern ireland to the sound of police sirens and stiff little fingers. the good fairy left me a lifetime's supply of black humour to keep smiling even when all's grey. i love books: moby dick and the butcher's boy; and making up
Francesco Tutino

Brought up on a diet of Peanuts and older brothers determined to explain the complexities of Pogo, I'm a film-lover (I've gone to see "Apocalypse Now" four times and "Heavy metal" three and counting),
Maria Linardi

Born in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano (and as the old saying goes "santangiolina: o ladra o assassina" - must either be a murderer or thief) - is ItaliaPlease's digital cook and boasts considerable experience of
Mauro Altamirano

Mauro began working for Italiaplease just two days after he finished high school. A real stroke of luck (for him).He started off on his journey way back in 1983, when, at the tender age of one, he left his native Argentina
Daniela Grenzi

An eagle in the east and a fish in the west, from star signs to pets, animals are my life. I believe in karma and in whatever introduced me to technology when I thought we were incompatible - I fell in love.
Antonio Parrilla

He has always travelled within his own dimension. When he lands on our planet he is known as graphic designer and art director.
Maurizio Salabelle

Strong gusts of island wind marked his entrance into the world in 1959. He emigrated from his native Cagliari towards the 'continent', where he lives to this day, under the miraculous shade of Pisa's leaning tower.
Giampaolo Morelli
Giampaolo Morelli is from Rome and is around fifty years old. He lives in Testaccio.
Mario Valentini
Mario Valentini was born in Messina in 1971. He hasn't lived here since he was eighteen when he went to Bologna and then Palermo.
Fabio Bonvicini

After a long and carefree youth spent frolicking in the woods with the Indians of the Appenines behind Modena,

Ventrix was born in Reggio Emilia (which is a source of great pride to him) on April 4, 1959. His head, much to the consternation of his townspeople is a perfect oval* and this genetic abnormality has repercussions throughout his life.