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Francesco Tutino

by Francesco Tutino last modified 2009-01-15 11:06

Brought up on a diet of Peanuts and older brothers determined to explain the complexities of Pogo, I'm a film-lover (I've gone to see "Apocalypse Now" four times and "Heavy metal" three and counting),

pogo.jpgand a video addict ("Doctor Strangelove" and "Io sono un Autarchico" are particular favourites). I've a soft spot for music, too. From Portishead to Corelli, the Doors to Charles Ives, without forgetting Telonious monk. At a certain stage I thought I was going to do a solo run (Soldini is my alter ego!), but them I moved from Rome to Modena to finish my studies and discovered I could run around restaurants and bars instead. Thanks to my better half I discovered a love of trekking, cross-country skiing and sight-seeing.However there's nothing quite like a Sunday spent reading, contemplating the universe or just lazing around. .. ""If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time." (Marcel Proust)

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